social and public organizations

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Credo can support you in your strategy or impact evaluation work. Whether you want to better understand or document the issue at the core of your social change, clarify or maximize your social contribution, find new ways to navigate complexity, scale your impact, or evaluate your impact, the Credo team is here for you!


We support social and public organizations in meeting their urgent strategic challenges related to amplifying their social impact.

  • Clarify your role and your unique contribution to the collective. It’s sometimes difficult to take a step back to visualize how our actions fit into the whole: what is our contribution, both actual and potential, to collective change? How do we ensure that we maximize our relevance, our complementarity, and our impact? You will be guided in thinking strategically about your role in the ecosystem, in clarifying the different levels of change sought, and in making explicit your contribution to collective change.

  • Be guided by a clear, robust, and engaging impact strategy, even in the face of complexity, uncertainty, or systemic change. 

  • Complement your impact strategy with Principles of Effectiveness that are documented and rooted in the reality of the environment.

  • Develop or strengthen your amplification and impact scaling strategy

  • Innovate in your collaboration, engagement, or collective impact models.

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We help social and public organizations evaluate and communicate their impact in a way that is meaningful, co-designed with the people who are concerned, and that generates learning. 

Our approach allows us to generate data that can be used to fully comprehend your impact, test hypotheses, answer key questions, improve your strategy and communicate your impact to your partners. Our process can include an impact report and a learning report aimed at continuous improvement. 

Depending on your objectives, your motivations, and the resources available for the evaluation, Credo can propose the evaluation approach that best suits you.

  • Co-creation of the evaluation framework 

  • Evaluation of relevance in relation to needs (usually upstream of a project) 

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of your approaches and processes in relation to your intention of impact

  • Evaluation of the effects/results/changes generated by your activities and approaches

Most often, our evaluations are theory of change-based and/or principles-focused: i.e., the intention of impact is well defined and we seek to understand the distance between the intention and the actual impact. In some cases, we also do exploratory evaluations to uncover the negative and positive impacts of a project on a variety of stakeholders.

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